Comparison of Entrepreneurial Development in Indonesia and Abroad
A. Definition of Entrepreneurship
"Entrepreneurship is one solution to reduce the level of unemployment, especially graduate elementary school whose numbers are still quite large in Indonesia. In addition to creating jobs for themselves, entrepreneurs can also open up employment opportunities for others. "
Entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurship) or Entrepreneurship is the process of identifying, developing, and bringing the vision to life. The vision may be an innovative idea, an opportunity, a better way to run things. The end result of this process is the creation of new businesses formed in conditions of risk or uncertainty.
Entrepreneurship has a different meaning among the or sources of reference for different gravity and emphasis. Richard Cantillon (1775), for example, defines entrepreneurship as the work itself (self-employment). An entrepreneur currently buying goods at a certain price and sell it in the future with an uncertain price. So this definition is more emphasis on how a person at risk or uncertainty. In contrast to other experts, according to Penrose (1963) entrepreneurial activities include indentfikasi opportunities in the economic system, while according to Harvey Leibenstein (1968, 1979) includes entrepreneurial activities required to create or implement the company at the time of all the market has not been established or have not been identified clearly, or components of the production function is not fully known, and according to Peter Drucker, entrepreneurship is the ability to create something new and different. People who perform entrepreneurial activity called entrepreneur. The question arises why an entrepreneur (entrepreneur) has a different way of thinking of men in general? Because they have the motivation, the call soul, perceptions and emotions that are associated with the values, attitudes and behavior as a superior human being.
B. The Role of Entrepreneurship in National Economy
An entrepreneurial role both internally and externally. Internally, an entrepreneurial role in reducing dependence on others, increased confidence, and increase the purchasing power of the culprit. Externally, an entrepreneurial role in providing employment opportunities for job seekers. With the absorption of labor by the employment opportunities provided by an entrepreneur, the national unemployment rate be reduced.
The reduced impact on the unemployment rate rising per capita income and purchasing power, and the growth of the national economy. In addition, effect on decreasing the crime rate because typically caused by high unemployment.
An entrepreneur has a very big role in making entrepreneurship. The role of entrepreneurship in the economy of a country is:
Create jobs
Reducing unemployment
Increase incomes
Combining the factors of production (natural, labor, capital and expertise)
Increasing national productivity
C. Development of Entrepreneurship in Indonesia
Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar (Rev. Daniel - detikfinance) said,
"The Government continues to develop productive entrepreneurship programs to train unemployed graduates ranging from elementary school to graduate. To achieve the ideal amount, we still need an additional approximately 4.18 million entrepreneurs, so the ideal target number of entrepreneurs as much as 4.75 million entrepreneurs can be achieved in the not too distant future. Target groups of people who become candidates for entrepreneurial group is unemployed / poor communities in rural, urban educated unemployed, prospective migrants, migrant workers and migrants and formal / prospective migrants. At the national level, the government has agreed on a script deal with 5 Ministry to work together in expanding employment opportunities and increased prosperity through entrepreneurial workforce. The inter-ministerial agreement involves the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports. "
"The number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia still needs to be encouraged because it is still so low that it can not support the growth of Indonesia's economy," said Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Syarifuddin Hasan during a visit in West Sulawesi, on Saturday (26/2/2011).
He said the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is only about 0.24 percent of the population in Indonesia is jsekitar 238 million. The amount is lower than the number of entrepreneurs in several countries outside the high economic growth rates. The Indonesian government realizes that in Entrepreneurship activities in Indonesia will increase economic efficiency. See the difference in the number of entrepreneurs in developed countries the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia, it is natural that Indonesia's economy is still slowing.
Therefore, he said, the Indonesian government is focused on increasing the number of entrepreneurs in order to play a role in supporting the country's economy to be more advanced in the future. "Young people in all regions should develop entrepreneurial sector by encouraging them to become entrepreneurs and government support," he said. He said people in Indonesia should be changed to no longer be a job seeker, but provide employment through creation and creativity that benefit the state's economy. According to him, the government will also support the development of entrepreneurship by providing capital to businesses, such as small loans through banks.
D. Development of Entrepreneurial Out of State
Unlike the situation in Indonesia, the number of entrepreneurs in foreign countries, like the United States which is a developed country in the world, reaching about 11 percent. The number of entrepreneurs in Singapore are also high, at 7 percent, and 5 percent in Malaysia.
This is because entrepreneurship in accordance with the wishes of the American lifestyle that enjoy the freedom and independence that is free to choose where they want to live and work hours they like. Although financial security remains an important target for almost all entrepreneurs, but many other priorities such as more time for family and friends, more free time and greater ability to control the relationship with work stress. In many universities abroad have a special program to learn entrepreneurship, so that there is a young entrepreneur embryo. A college and another education of bussineses merely as facilitators in motivating, directing of facilitators infrastructure in preparing scholars who have strong motivation, courage, ability and character support in setting up a new business. Role in motivating undergraduate college became young Entrepreneur very important. This is seen in some areas of entrepreneurship wherewith discussion mentioned above. The problem is how the college can be role properly and is able to produce graduates who are ready to be entrepreneur. Function of the college in providing a container that provides an opportunity to start a business since his college career is very important, according to the opinion of Thomas Zimmerer if start a business, can be at the time of college runs, but more importantly is how a college role in motivating students to join at the container. Because without giving a clear picture of how proud be a entrepreneur, it is possible that the students were motivated to learn entrepreneurial skills. Therefore, the universities also need to know the factors that motivate students palingdominan in entrepreneurship. Research suggests that there 3faktor most dominant in motivating scholars to be an entrepreneur is faktorkesempatan, freedom factor, factor of life satisfaction. The third factor that makes them become entrepreneurs.
While in Indonesia, in comparison, entrepreneurship curriculum in higher education in Indonesia is far behind compared to the leading universities in Canada, America, and Japan. In Japan, for example, the creation of a student on a product developed and encouraged by the organizers of the college by connecting them to financial institutions (venture capital) as well as the market will accept the product. In Indonesia, many students actually produce new innovations, but unfortunately does not continue the innovation into a product or service that can be marketed well. This is an indication of the lack of integrated links as well as the absence of the soul and the spirit of entrepreneurship in higher education provider.